x deep immersion Dahab xdi padi courses технодайвинг в дахабе xdi xdeepimmersion

Technical and recreational diving with XDI
Blue Hole

Technical and recreational diving with XDI
Strait of Tiran

It is one of the premier dives sites in Dahab, Bells-Blue Hole is a spectacular wall dive of amazing beauty. The Bells is a large vein of rock that has eroded out leaving a deep gash in the reef that drops to 45 metres formed where a deep groove cuts into the reef top just north of the Blue Hole.

Dive site offers an easy entry and exit point through a shallow, sandy lagoon. This leads out to beautiful coral gardens inhabited by Butterflyfish, Unicornfish, Octopus, Pufferfish and of course Red Sea Anthias, which can only be fully explored after several visits.
The most incredible ship wreck in Red Sea, famous for its size and decks still full of cargo (cars, motorbikes, weapons, etc)
Amazing coral gardens, soft currents, and huge variety of marine life including sharks. These reefs are most popular Sharm route.
The Lighthouse offers a number of different dives depending on the route chosen, Lighthouse, situated at the Northern end of the bay of Dahab, is home to the confined water training area due to it's large sandy slopes and gentle drop off.
The most popular dive sites of Dahab and Sharm-el-Sheikh
View the ways to organize your dive-day here