14/03/2016 DIN and yoke regulator types - what's that?
A DIN regulator screws into a tank valve, and a yoke regulator fits over the top of a tank valve and clamps onto it with a tightening screw.
Yoke and DIN Regulators Require Different Tank Valves: yoke regulators use a more-or-less flat tank valve that has an o-ring pressed into a small grove on the flat side of the valve. DIN regulators use a tank valve with a large, threaded opening that allows the threaded post of a DIN regulator to be screwed inside the tank valve.
DIN regulators are designed to withstand higher pressures than yoke regulators. It is possible to knock a yoke regulator off the tank if the tank is dropped or struck (not an ideal situation). This is nearly impossible to do with a DIN regulator. DIN regulators are also more streamlined than yoke regulators, and generally weigh less.
DIN system is by far superior. It unquestionably provides a more secure and durable connection. Adaptors are available to use DIN regulators on yoke tanks and vice versa.
13/03/2016 Open Water Diver course - your license to dive alone with a buddy.
OWD is a level of PADI certification, meeting international diving standards: Autonomous diver (ISO 24801-2:2014 - Level 2 - Autonomous Diver).
Scuba Diver certification relates to ISO 24801-1:2014 - Level 1 - Supervised diver.
You may get a Scuba Diver card if you was unable to finish last modules of your Open Water training. Finishing these modules later provide you an OWD certification and a new depth limitation of 18m (instead of 12) and ability to dive without guide.
12/03/2016 First atmospheric diving suit - 1882. France, Carmagnolle brothers.
The first properly anthropomorphic design of ADS, built by the Carmagnolle brothers of Marseilles, France in 1882, featured rolling convolute joints consisting of partial sections of concentric spheres formed to create a close fit and kept watertight with a waterproof cloth. The suit had 22 of these joints: four in each leg, six per arm, and two in the body of the suit. The helmet possessed 25 individual 2-inch (50 mm) glass viewing ports spaced at the average distance of the human eyes. Weighing 830 pounds (380 kg), the Carmagnole ADS never worked properly and its joints never were entirely waterproof. It is now on display at the French National Navy Museum in Paris.
14/11/2015 Invention of the first diving regulator
On November 14, 1838, Dr. Manuel Théodore Guillaumet of Argentan, Normandy, France, filed a patent for a twin-hose demand regulator; the diver was provided air through pipes from the surface. The apparatus was demonstrated to and investigated by a committee of the French Academy of Sciences.
Fact of the Day!
First diving suit was built in 1882 and it's weight was around...
380 kilos