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- Why Dahab?

- Dahab is so close to Sharm-el-Sheikh but has a different diving history and tradition. As a student you can be guaranteed 100% learning efficiency and highest levels of personal attention. Courses are performed in traditional small groups of 1-3 students, number of divers rarely exceeds 5 person per fun diving group.


- Where is Dahab situated?
- You can reach Dahab from Sharm-el-Sheikh (1 hour drive, private transfer 35 euro) or Taba (2 hours drive, private transfer 55 euro).


- How can i book accomodation in dahab?
- You are welcome to use to check for all dahab hotels and camps.
Prices vary between 15 euro - 50 euro depending on hotel class (3* - 5*). 


- What about prices in dahab Restaurants?
- Lots of modest priced cafes with european, italian, indian food as well as cheap local food shops. 


- Basically we're coming to kite and surf.. Is it possible to dive in flexible mode?
- It's a popular question here in Dahab. And yes - you're welcome to plan your diving day according to the weather forecast (dive in first or second half of the day)


- Are there any other activities in Dahab?
- A whole lot : windserfing, kitesurfing, mountain climbing, quadbikes, you can even rent a cool cross bike if you have a licence.
We have lots of trekking routs (close - canyons, national parks, far - St.Catherine and Moses mount.).
And there's just one hour driving to Sharm-el-Sheikh with all it's activities including aquapark, skating, bowling,  disco, etc..


- How many times we're going to dive per day?
- Normally it's two dives, with possibility of third day-dive or night dive. If we're diving from the shore and moving after each dive to a new location, 2-3 dives is optimal. All boat trips include 3 fixed dives. 


- How flexible are your prices?
- All prices may vary depending on the group size, one dive may cost 25$ - 18$, OWD course w/certification  400$ - 300$. Boat safai trips (3 dives with transfer and lunch on the boat)  120$ - 80$.


- Can children dive?
- Diving is allowed by standard for children from 8 years old - with restricted depth limitations. All heavy gear is to be worn in the water, so that inflatable jacket is holding all the weight.


- Can i dive with asthma, history of heart diseases, etc.?
- You cannot dive just being pregnant. All the rest of list (asthma, diabetes, range of disabilities) needs a special divers medical check. If doctor allows you to dive - here you go.


- Can i dive alone with my buddy?
- Just on the local sites in Dahab. All outside areas have the tourism police monitoring diving permissions of all groups coming to location (permisions of Egyptian Chamber of Diving and Water Sports, CDWS) - so you have to dive with a certified guide.

Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt, PO box 63

WhatsApp: +7(916)771-14-79

Tel: +2 010 333-91-999 (Ar, En)

© 2023 


Photo Credits: Vladimir Gornostaev, Vladimir Zhilyaev, Viacheslav Ribchinskii


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